
June 11, 2024

A Fair go for all

81 per cent of Australians agree our politicians generally think too short-term when making decisions, according to our new report.
The Fair Go for All: Intergenerational Justice Policy Survey, an EveryGen report co-authored by Professor Susan Harris Rimmer, Griffith University, Dr Elise Stephenson, The Australian National University (ANU), and Taylor Hawkins, Foundations for Tomorrow, finds three quarters of those surveyed think visions for the next 10-20 years are given too little emphasis in the political debate.
Survey participants call for a move away from this short-termism towards a more intergenerational approach to policymaking. 97% of respondents believe that policies in the present day need to take into account the interests of future generations, and 79% say we should establish a Commissioner for Future Generations (or similar) to safeguard intergenerational justice in policymaking.